We did an interview with Brye a Pop singer.
Strwbyjean: When did you start creating music?
I started playing guitar around nine or ten years old and I started writing original songs at 12.
Strwbryjean: How do you feel creatives should spread awareness in our current political state?
There is an undeniable power that comes with having a platform of any size really. Using that power to boost and educate and help others is HARD, but honestly, it feels like it's our responsibility as people with those large platforms.
Strwbryjean: Do you feel that COVID-19 and how we’ve had to adapt will change how music is enjoyed when we continue with normal life?
I'm honestly not sure, I've only been in this industry for as long as corona has been going on. I definitely think it'll be easier to work remotely in the future now that we know it's possible.
Strwbryjean:what is your favorite meme at the moment?
Any frog pictures really
Strwbryjean: At what point in your career did you understand how successful you are?
It still hasn't hit me. I'm lucky enough to have friends that treat me the same no matter how large my platform gets so there's still a sense of normalcy. I think once I get back to school it'll feel different and I'll realize "woah."
Strwbryjen: What is one thing you dislike about the music industry?
The ASTONISHING lack of female producers. It's infuriating how few there are and how few get successful. Producing is probably one of the most male dominated parts of music making and i really think it's starting to change.
Strwbryjean: What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Garden song by phoebe Bridgers. I was in a dark hole earlier this month and I discovered phoebe on accident. I haven't been the same since and that song in particular keeps me going.
Strwbryjean: Who do you look up to in the music industry?
Dodie. I will forever be intimidated by her and in awe of her at the same time. She reminds me so much of myself and simultaneously feels like a virtual older sister.
Strwbryjean: Where do you find inspiration for your music? (ex. nature, your life, other people’s lives, etc.)
I used to write exclusively about my relationships with other people. Wether romantic, platonic, toxic, familial, I viewed the world through my relationships and interactions with others. Quarantine has literally forced me to write about myself.
Strwbryjean: What do you enjoy most about being a musician?
Finishing the first draft of a song. That first listen back with the pieces finally starting to fit, hits so different.
Strwbryjean: How has social media stardom changed your daily life?
I think a lot more about posting than I used to, I'm always trying to think of what I need to do next or what needs to be announced.
Strwbryjean: What is one of your pet peeves?
Paper plates
Strwbryjean: What should we expect for the future?
A lemons feature is soon to be announced so keep your eye peeled :)
Stwbryjean: How long did it take you to write ‘lemons’?
I knocked out the first half of the song in about 30 minutes and the second verse was written across three days. I would spend my lunch hour sitting in a practice room at the piano trying to figure out where I wanted it to go.
Strwbryjean: What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Drink water.
Strwbryjean: What is one embarrassing secret your fans do not know?
I stalk their pages sometimes. My brain genuinely cannot process that real people follow me unless I see it myself so I'll spend hours going through comments and clicking on their profiles AHA